چگونه حشیش می تواند بیماری های پزشکی را درمان کند

شواهد زیادی وجود دارد که نشان می‌دهد حشیش می‌تواند برای درمان طیف وسیعی از بیماری‌های پزشکی استفاده شود. شاهدانه حاوی تعدادی ترکیب فعال است، اما دو موردی که برای اهداف پزشکی مورد توجه هستند THC و CBD هستند.

تحقیقات بیشتر و بیشتر نشان می‌دهد که هر یک از این ترکیبات می‌توانند مزایای خاص خود را برای طیف گسترده‌ای از شرایط ارائه دهند. در حال حاضر در برخی از کشورها ماری جوانا به عنوان درمانی برای بیماری هایی مانند آلزایمر، HIV/AIDS، سرطان، بیماری کرون، صرع، گلوکوم، ام اس، درد مزمن، و موارد دیگر تجویز می شود.

The human body has a set of receptors that interacts with cannabis compounds. These receptors are found through the body and make up the endocannabinoid system, which helps our bodies maintain homeostasis. THC and CBD interact with this system, and that is why they may be able to deliver numerous medical benefits.

For instance, CBD has been found to encourage production of the body’s natural endocannabinoids. It also has the ability to interact with opioid, dopamine and serotonin receptors, which is one of the reasons that so much research is being carried out into its medical benefits.

While THC will make people high, it has also been found to help with pain, muscle spasticity, glaucoma, insomnia, low appetite, nausea, and anxiety.

There are thousands of cannabis strains and each has its own levels of these compounds. Some may have virtually no THC but lots of CBD, some may be the opposite, and some will be balanced. That is why, if you are seeking the medical benefits of cannabis it is important to know the levels of these compounds in each strain as well as what each compound can help treat.

Here you can browse thousands of cannabis strains by what conditions they are best suited to treating and hopefully you will soon be enjoying the relief they can provide.

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